Wise Fool New Mexico presents
A Holiday Family Cabaret
Wise Fool New Mexico’s annual Holiday
Cabaret features circus acts, spoken
word poetry, and more!
Come join Wise Fool New Mexico on New Year’s Eve weekend—wrap up 2017 circus
The Cabaret is a family-friendly event featuring circus acts and performances by Wise Fool teachers and students and other performers. If you missed the wonders and joy of our annual Circus Luminous production, She Shines Brightly, this year, or if you just can’t get enough, here’s another chance to delve into the delights of circus with Wise Fool.
Sunday • December 31 • 4:00 pm
$20 Adults
$5 Kids (12 and under)
Reduced price available for financial need.
Purchase tickets:
Wise Fool New Mexico is a nonprofit theatre arts project created and staffed by local women
artists with a passion for creating the world we envision through the arts. It is our mission to
ignite imagination, build community, and promote social justice through performances and
hands-on experiences in the arts of circus, puppetry, and theatre.
Wise Fool New Mexico: Changing Lives One Circus at a Time!
Office 505-992-2588
Cell 505-660-4246