New to Theatre in Santa Fe?
Here’s a Quick-Start Guide Just For You!

A brief history of Santa Fe theatre

  • Wherever humans have ventured throughout history, stage performing has followed. Santa Fe’s 400+ year history is no exception. Modern theatre has its roots in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Venues like The Lensic and Santa Fe Playhouse claim those early modern beginnings.

  • Read about The History of the Santa Fe Playhouse

  • Read Director Robert Benedetti’s reflections in “A Theatre Renaissance in Santa Fe

Learn theatre terminology

  • If you read about or talk to people about theatre, it won’t take long before you hear words that have special meaning to theatre-folk.

  • Check out: Theatre or Theater? And other terms.

What kind of theatre productions are there in Santa Fe?

  • People will often use the term ‘play’ to refer to a theatre production, e.g. I went to a play last night. However, a theatre production can also be in other formats: dance, monologues, musicals, and more. Also, one is likely to find children’s productions featuring many young performers (and their parent’s in the audience).

  • ‘Classic’ theatre often involves plays written long ago, such as the plays of Shakespeare. But ‘modern’ plays and productions can experiment with new methods and styles.

When do theatre performances normally happen?

  • Year-round, most theatre performances occur on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), with some shows having an extra Thursday event. However, certain theatre productions may run throughout the week, though less commonly so. Since such productions use live actors and crew, an off-days rest break is reasonable to expect.

  • At times a theatre company will offer a free-to-industry night as a reward to those that work hard making the theatre production magic happen. On such nights, the public does not generally participate.

  • Times of performances can vary, though it is common to have performances in the evenings. Often on Saturdays and/or Sundays, “matinee” performances may be held starting mid-afternoon. In any case, the specifics of each production can be found by referring to the TSF Calendar.

Who are Santa Fe’s theatre actors, directors, writers and technicians?

  • Our community is honored to have many veteran performers and directors that have made Santa Fe their home. But often one will find local self-taught folk making up the creative side of theatre productions. The reality is that anyone can aim for any role in a theatre production. Theatre life remains an open industry where newbies can find their place and enjoy a full or part-time career in the performing arts.

  • Learn about Santa Fe’s expanding theatre talent HERE.

Where are theatre productions held in Santa Fe?

  • Referred to as ‘venues’, there are several located within Santa Fe that regularly hold live theatre productions.

  • To get an idea about where you might go for your next theatre outing, check out these Venues.


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