5th Annual Teatro Paraguas Santa Fe Public Library Tour of Bilingual Cuentos
Teatro Paraguas presents three short bilingual cuentos (folktales) at all three Santa Fe Public Libraries. This family-friendly event features a cast of 13 actors ranging in age from 3 to 66 under the direction of JoJo Sena de Tarnoff.
The three cuentos: El Diablo de Polvo (The Dust Devil), Se Venden Cenizas (Ashes For Sale), and La Nina que riega la albahaca y el Príncipe Preguntón (The Girl Who Waters the Basil and the Inquisitive Prince).
El Diablo de Polvo (The Dust Devil) is the story of a young girl who lives with her parents on an isolated farm without any close neighbors or playmates. One afternoon she learns the true meaning of friendship with the help of her cat, a bird, and a cow. It is adapted from a story by Angel Vigil, an accomplished author, performer, theatre director, and educator. He is the author of six award-winning books on Hispanic and Western arts and culture. Angel is also the Colorado State Heritage Artist for Hispanic storytelling, specializing in the traditional stories of the Hispanic Southwest and Mexico. He was the Chairman of the Fine and Performing Arts Department and Director of Theatre, Colorado Academy, Denver before retiring.
Se Venden Cenizas (Ashes For Sale) is an old tale from colonial Mexico that has many variations. It is typical of the type of story involving two friends, one very rich and one very poor. The rich friend’s practical joke at the expense of the poor friend unleashes a series of events that have life-changing consequences for both of them. A devil mask, a band of robbers, and an underground river all play important parts in the telling of the story.
La Niña que riega la albahaca y el Príncipe Preguntón (The Girl Who Waters the Basil and the Inquisitive Prince) was written by Federico Garcia Lorca as a puppet play. It was originally presented with other puppet plays on January 6, 1923 (Twelfth Night) at Lorca’s family home in Granada to the delight of family and friends, accompanied by a three-piece orchestra (clarinet, lute, and harpsichord) under the direction of Lorca’s friend Manuel de Falla. Needless to say, the Prince and the Girl fall in love and live happily ever after.
The performances are sponsored by The Friends of the Santa Fe Library, and this family-friendly production is FREE to the public.
The times and places of the performances are as follows:
Friday • April 13 • 3:30 p.m. • Southside Branch Library, 6599 Jaguar Drive
Saturday • April 14 • 1:30 p.m. • La Farge Branch Library, 1730 Llano Street
Sunday • April 15 • 1:30 p.m. • Downtown Library, 145 Washington Avenue
Argos MacCallum
505-577-2679; argos@teatroparaguas.org
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Teatro Paraguas
3205 Calle Marie
Santa Fe, NM 87507