Teatro Paraguas hosts a book launch by Dos Gatos Press
Weaving the Terrain: 100-word Southwestern Poems Book Launch
Weaving the Terrain: 100-Word Southwestern Poems is the third collection in a unique series from Dos Gatos Press of Albuquerque, Poetry of the American Southwest—following up on Lifting the Sky: Southwestern Haiku and Haiga (2013) and Bearing the Mask: Southwestern Persona Poems (2016).
Each poem is exactly one hundred words, no more, no less. Within this restriction, however, you’ll find poems as varied as the landscape, the history, the people they evoke. Weaving the Terrain includes stunning prose poems and haibun, as well as poems in every shape made possible by a poet’s imagination and the hundred words chosen. Each poem is a concentrated gem on a topic related to the broad area known as the Southwest.
Editors David Meischen and Scott Wiggerman have arranged 211 poems by 151 poets in eight engaging chapters, opening with “These Immediate Splendors,” poems that will immerse you in momentary delights, and closing with “Necklace of Stones,” poems that explore grief, loss, endurance. In between, you’ll find chapters with these evocative titles: “Body of Memory,” “Songs of the Living,” “Sienna and Sand,” “Half-Lives Slowly Ticking,” “All Hunger and Thirst,” and “Rooted in Resilience.”
The poets included in the anthology who will be reading at the book launch:
Virginia Barrett (San Francisco)
Pam Davenport (Mesa AZ)
Mariya Deykute (Tohatchi, NM)
Mary Dudley (ABQ)
Jeanne Favret (ABQ)
Paula Lozar (Santa Fe)
David Meischen (ABQ)
Karen Petersen (Santa Fe)
Sharon Rhutasel-Jones (Los Ranchos)
Barbara Robidoux (Santa Fe)
Kat Sawyer (Santa Fe)
Marilyn Westfall (Lubbock)
Scott Wiggerman (ABQ)
Argos MacCallum
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Teatro Paraguas
3205 Calle Marie
Santa Fe, NM 87507