ISC Santa Fe is proud to present one of Shakespeare’s most profound plays, The Tragedy of King Lear, with a cast who has been working with the play for a full year.
Director: Caryl Farkas
Dramaturg: Robin Williams
Paul Walsky
Lynn Goodwin
Ariana Karp
Glenna Hill
Clara West
Geoffrey Pomeroy
Marty Madden
Alex Reid
Marc Lynch
Ambrose Ferber
Noah Segard
Dylan Marshall
Harriet Engle
Mairi Chanel
Miles Blitch
Performances run from September 14 through 30.
Upcoming shows:
Sunday • September 30 • 2 p.m.
Join us at a Closing Celebration to honor the cast and crew who have put in a year’s work to this play! $25 at the Mermaid Tavern. Click here to buy tickets at
$25 General admission
$15 Students with ID
Click here to buy tickets at
Contact: Caryl at 505.466.3533
Adobe Rose Theatre
1213 Parkway Drive • Santa Fe