New Mexico School for the Arts presents
A Staged Reading of Manhattan Glass
Written by Joey A. Chavez
All proceeds from this reading will benefit Theatre Santa Fe!
Suggested donation — $10 general admission; $5 for students
In the fall of 1943, Louis and Mary answered the call of their government to move to Los Alamos and work on the top secret “Manhattan Project.” Forty years later, Louis can’t remember where he put his shoes, but he has to talk about their involvement with the Bomb, which Mary has tried so hard to forget. Why is he calling the President and what is on that sign he put in their front yard? Well… in walks Anthony, their grandson who’s been away at college and has no idea what’s been going on.
Maria: You remember when you fell off the wall onto the cactus in the back yard?
Anthony: So what are you trying to say?
Maria: You’re the college boy, you figure it out.
Stay after the reading to enjoy a talk back session with the author and cast.
For additional information, contact:
Barbara Hatch