Teatro Paraguas presents
Santa Fe Poets Read Original Poems from Lummox #7
RD Armstrong, founder and editor of Lummox Press, writes: “Lummox 7 (the Lummox Poetry Anthology and the new Angela Consolo Mankiewicz* Poetry Contest), the massive labor of love, is my gift to the small press poetry world. Each year for the past seven, this anthology has been a showcase for poetry and poetics (containing poetry, art, essays, interviews, and reviews by/with 140 poets). There was no theme of this year's Anthology and Contest. Also in this issue: a poetic feature of the poetry contest winners and Honorable Mentions; Jeffrey Alfier (CA), Mike Mahoney (PA), Rolland Vasin (CA); interviews with Long Beach, CA poet and activist Clifton Snider and notorious poet Bill Gainer (whose Mysterious Book of Old Man Poems was published by Lummox Press last year – now in its second printing); six reviews; five essays on everything from the ‘plagerism’ to the ‘Illustrated Letters of Billy Jones;’ and a new feature: micro/flash fiction!”
Santa Fe Poets with poems in Lummox #7 include Debbi Brody, Mary McGinnis, Michou Landon, Jane Lipman, Genevieve Betts, Basia Miller, Georgia Santa Maria, Linda Whittenberg, John Macker, and Argos MacCallum. Many will be present at the reading.
Argos MacCallum
About the Editor/Publisher:
RD Armstrong has spent most of the past 25 years “in the trenches” taking care of business. Along with Chris Yeseta (layout designer extraordinaire), RD has sought to bring the poetry of poets, both known and unknown, to the attention of a reading public that still hungers for the honest, unvarnished truth that comes with a well-written poem.
*About the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest:
Angela was a friend of mine whose life was cut short at the age of 71 by cancer. She was a poet's poet who spent 30 years exploring and analyzing all poetry forms, including its rhythmic forms. She also wrote reviews (was a steady reviewer for Small Press Review), articles and scads of letters. She was also a fan of classical music and even wrote a five-part Operetta entitled One Day Less which was performed at the Broad Theater. This Prize of $500 was made possible by her estate and her late husband, Richard.
About Lummox Press:
The Lummox Press has published over 240 titles in the past 25 years, including chapbooks, the Little Red Book series, a series of perfect bound books (the Respect series), the Lummox Journal, an annual Lummox Poetry Anthology and e-copies. The goal of the press is to elevate the bar for poetry, while bringing the “word” to an international audience.