Alix Hudson, director of Elliot, a Soldier’s Fugue, Valli Marie Rivera, director of Water by the Spoonful, and Robyn Rikoon, director of The Happiest Song Plays Last, will share their experiences working together (auditions) and separately (rehearsals) on three plays that form a trilogy. The plays will be performed at three different venues and with three different but overlapping performance schedules. During the weekend of October 10, all three plays will be running concurrently, giving local patrons and tourists the opportunity to see the entire trilogy in one weekend.
Elliotperformances: September 26 through October 13 at Teatro Paraguas.
Water performances: October 3-20 at Teatro Paraguas Studio Space.
Happiest Song performances: October 10-27 at Santa Fe Playhouse.
Doors open at 5:30 pm for light refreshments and conversation before the talk.