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Julesworks Follies #63

Julesworks presents

Julesworks Follies #63: Not Quite Live, Safely Quarantined Edition

Sunday, May 31
4 p.m.
Streaming for FREE via the Jean Cocteau’s Virtual Cinema

Stephen Jules Rubin
(505) 310-9997

Julesworks returns to present our (un)usual medley of live performance, including short playlets, skits, music, poetry, and a style of improv designed to hopefully keep the audience not only engaged but usually involved, though given the quarantined nature of this not quite live show, that last part will be more up to however the viewers wish to behave in their safe environments.

This will be the first NOT live edition, though Julesworks has made movies over the years, some of which can be seen on Julesworks YouTube Channel. While Julesworks #63 will at first premiere solely on the Jean Cocteau Virtual Cinema (starting at 4pm on Sunday May 30) for a short but not defined (depending on y’alls interest!!!) run, we intend for it to have some sort of future run online, to be announced and shared later. We are grateful to the Jean Cocteau for still hosting us, this time on their Virtual Cinema which can be accessed at their website or via their Facebook and more.

Musician Gregg Turner, local legend and former member of the beloved underground California bubblegum punk band the Angry Samoans, will carry on his tradition of playing at least an opening song, of course in this show everything will have some sort of video to boot! Likely at least one more song and video by the Gregg Turner Group will be shared interspersed throughout the video show. Just like how each live show has a host, this show will be hosted by Jules Radio Nut Character, safe in his quarantined secret bunker, hidden in the Hobbit Den of South Santa Fe. He will introduce each piece and many will be shared via video interaction that was recorded live, if not lively.

There will be perhaps more music, with video, than ever offered by Julesworks as newcomer Bird Thompson has a song and video, as does newcomer Jim Jones. Bird is a local DJ, musician, poet, and more, and Jim is a New Mexico legend cowboy singer, writer and member with the likes of Kirk Ellis in the Western Writer’s Association.

This show will also contain ever more poetry than usual. Another tradition has been musicians, often Terry Diers and Friends provide a bit of music to back Jules (and others) in the Stand Up Spoken Off Beat Not Quite Poetry and to lead a lively ending exit to the show in a musical finale ensemble, in which we hope the audience also joins. Though the finale is likely out for this not live go round, and we are planning to somehow include ole Terry, we do have plenty of poetry as Bird and Jules were recorded safe in a park sharing some poetry video’d by newcomer Mima Obo with her assistant Jennifer Ingram. Also, Jim Jones and Jules join to present poetry from not only a newcomer but an out of towner Jules has never met, Red Shuttleworth, a playwright and poet and also a beloved member of the Western Writer’s Association. And also joining for the first time to share some original poetry is Melanie Lamb Faithful, a talented relative newcomer to Santa Fe, and a southern soulful talent to boot.

The upside of this being not live is the ability to include performers who have left town or never lived here. Former Santa Feans Lenny Hoffman as well as Brett Pq Ribber Berman have each sent contributions. And the unique Leeman Kessler, who lives in a far off state but has performed on his own as a guest of George RR Martin and the JCC, has sent a pair of videos in which he channels both HP Lovecraft and Carl Sagan with some timely info.

Loyalist Rose Provan is one of the most reliable Julesworks member, who writes original playlets and will carry on her Gramma Speaks series of pieces based on real life issues she faces, to which we can all relate, with this episode being Gramma Goes Online. This show also marks the return of Danette Sills! Joining for the first time also will be Regina Ress, a unique story teller who can be found all across the internet of late. She will share with us a short Rant-A-Logue Story. Also returning are other of the most loyal to Julesworks, the clan of Christl. Christl has a poem that will be shared while her daughter Lexie and son Lanz have a bevy of short unique lively videos and news snippets to share.

We also hope Yvette and GabeCat may return with perhaps some Zoom’d video’d Rant-a-Logue’ing.

We are pleased to be able to include an offering from Santa Fe’s beloved Puppet master, Devon Ludlow, who returns to Julesworks as well. Also, gracing Julesworks again is Santa Fe’s beloved impresario Argos MacAllum with a reading of Edna St. Vincent Millay's famous poem, The Harp-Weaver, which is kind of chilling and macabre. Edna was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry for her book The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems. Dan Burkath, who hosted in the past, will be sharing a snippet of his new venture into podcasting. Other surprises, gems, and whatevers are likely to be tossed in.

Julesworks has been staging this live variety show for some seven years with an ever-evolving open to all theory of involvement.  Each show is a mix of material, some original, some source, some a medley, presented by Julesworks Loyalists as well as hopefully a new or returning from the past performer each show.