Rebecca Morgan Memorial
Please come and share your memories along with all of us who worked with and were impacted by Rebecca’s life.
Sunday • July 18 • 5 p.m.
Teatro Paraguas
3205 Calle Marie
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Teatro Paraguas would like to invite all of you to join us in a celebration of life for Rebecca Morgan, who passed away earlier this year. Rebecca was very well known and loved by so many in the Santa Fe theatre community. She had a positive impact on the community, not the least of which was exposing so many young people to live theatre as founder and director of The Southwest Children’s Theatre and most recently as director of the Umbrella Children’s Theatre at Teatro Paraguas. Along with her lifelong partner, Celeste Allerton, she showed so many young people the joy of being involved in the theatre arts. Many of her students have gone on to great things in the world of acting, both in live performance and film.
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