Julesworks Follies presents
Julesworks Follies End of Monthly #17 Showcase Warp Up Recap
Modern Day Vaudeville? Variety! The Spice of Life Live or Virtual! Livestreams! Chat! Connection! Performance! Music! Poetry! Much more plus interact with viewers from all around as they interact with one another, share info on their own activities and much more. This show will feature our usual mix of returning loyal artists mixed with some who perform off and on as they are able and hopefully each show at least one performer new to JW. We remain open to all willing to participate, be involved and support our efforts to carry on sharing a Vaudeville enthused true variety show virtually and more live again soon!
Credits: Rose Provan Stephen Jules Rubin David Uncle Dt Thom Jim Jones Margot Cole Gregg Turner the Clan of Christil Lanz & Lexie Regina Ress Niko'a Salas John Sean Healen Deere PQ Ribber
Date and Time: Monday June 27th at 5pm MST
Admission: Free though donations kindly accepted at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/julesworks13 Please consider supporting our https://www.patreon.com/user?u=49510300&fan_landing=true
Venue: Online at YouTube >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QNVKKO87To
Website: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=49510300&fan_landing=true
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/JulesworksFollies
For More Information, Contact: srubinfilms@gmail.com