Rebecca Aronson
Teatro Paraguas presents
Rebecca Aronson, Alicia Elkort, and Mary Morris Poetry Reading
Rebecca Aronson is the author of three books of poetry: Anchor; Ghost Child of the Atalanta Bloom, winner of the 2016 Orison Books poetry prize and winner of the 2019 Margaret Randall Book Award, and Creature, Creature, winner of the Main-Traveled Roads Poetry Prize.
Alicia Elkort's first book of poetry, A Map of Every Undoing was published in 2022 by Stillhouse Press with George Mason University, after winning their book contest.
Mary Morris is the author of three books of poetry: Enter Water, Swimmer (runner-up for the X.J. Kennedy Prize), Dear October (Arizona-New Mexico Book Award) and Late Self-Portraits.
Rebecca Aronson
Alicia Elkort
Mary Morris
Date and Time: Sunday October 8, 2023 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Admission: Free
Venue: Teatro Paraguas @ 3205 Calle Marie, Santa Fe, NM
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