Spot the Bus Ad!

Theatre Santa Fe is so excited about our September 16 Theatre Walk that we’ve created a contest for you to enter. Now, it’s not as big as the lottery, but your chances are much better!

Currently we have TWO city buses moving about our streets with our Theatre Walk ad on their REAR END.

SPOT THE AD! Send us a photo of the ad on the bus, your name, and where you saw it if you can remember. We will put all responses in a drawing for—you guessed it—theatre tickets! Drawing will be made the day of the event, Saturday, September 16.

Entries below!

Abby McGahey • St. Francis near Alta Vista

Abby McGahey • St. Francis near Alta Vista

John Tollett • turning from Cerrillos onto St. Francis

John Tollett • turning from Cerrillos onto St. Francis

Barbara Hatch • corner of Zafarano and Cerrillos

Barbara Hatch • corner of Zafarano and Cerrillos

Caryl Farkas

Caryl Farkas

Charlotte Jusinski • Sandoval 

Charlotte Jusinski • Sandoval