Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 5:40 PM


TLC Steps Out to …
¡Viva México! at Teatro Paraguas

Talkback • Ticket Discount 
Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 7:30pm
¡Viva México!
By Teatro Paraguas, Ballet Folclórico Xóchitl and Los Niños de Santa Fe
Teatro Paraguas, 3205 Calle Marie Suite B, Santa Fe

¡Viva México! –  Dance, Song, and Independence!

Actors, singers, musicians and dancers from Teatro Paraguas, Ballet Folclórico Xóchitl, and Los Niños de Santa Fe come together in a lively performance of songs and dances from the pre-Colombian, Spanish colonial, and Mexican Independence eras up through modern times. Interspersed between music and dance numbers, actors celebrate the Mexican poetic tradition through the poetry of contemporary Mexican poets.

Music and dance in the show includes the Aztec Tonantzin, 19th century varsovianas, waltzes, serenades, La Cucaracha, and the popular Huapango de Moncayo. Poetry in the show includes the works of Alberto Blanco, Efraín Bartolomé, Fabio Morábito, Silvia Tomasa Rivera and Verónica Volkow, among many others.

Stay after the show for a talkback and to ask questions of the cast and crew.

👉 You must purchase your own ticket to the performance at  https://www.teatroparaguasnm.org/viva-mexico or call 505-424-1601 for reservations (pay at door). Select the TLC option to receive your discounted ticket.

👉 Once you have bought your ticket, register for the TLC Steps Out event using the registration form below.

Theatre Lovers Club Steps Out events offer participants a chance to view plays with other theater goers, meet playwrights, directors, producers, actors and tech staff. We offer you a way to know the stories inside the plays you want to see. We hope you join us.


Register for This Event on September 7 @ 7:30pm