Poetry in Time of Covid
Presented by Teatro Paraguas and Lummox Press
Sunday • February 7 • 5 p.m.
Free! • Live on ZOOM
Register by clicking here, or visit teatroparaguas.org.
Founder RD Armstrong swears that Lummox Anthology #9 will be the last print issue of the nationally-recognized poetry anthology, which he has edited for the last nine years. But he also says that he hopes that “…I’ll come back. I do enjoy putting out a good book.”
Close to 120 poets are included in the anthology, hailing from around the country and Canada. Among the Santa Fe poets who will read on Sunday are Debbi Brody, Vijali Hamilton, Michou Landon, John Macker, Jane Lipman, Levy Romero, Georgia Santa Maria, Argos MacCallum, Wayne Lee, Mary McGinnis, and Basia Miller.
Included in the anthology is an interview with noted Santa Fe poet Basia Miller, and an essay by John Macker on Tony Moffeit, an award-winning poet from Colorado.
Tony Moffeit, Art Goodtimes, Lawrence Welsh, Kyle Laws, and Donna Snyder are among the out-of-state poets who will read as well.
Argos MacCallum • 505.577.2679 • argos@teatroparaguas.org
Teatro Paraguas
3205 Calle Marie
Santa Fe, NM 87507